April 12, 2004

Re :: Me la plak...

HAVE YOU EVER------------------
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: nope
* Missed school B/coz it was raining: Heh.. how i wish..
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: my feet hehehe
* Been hurt emotionally: yes
* Kept a secret from everyone: yeah
* Had an imaginary friend: nope
* Cried during a Movie: hehehehe.... :p
* Had a crush on a teacher: always...
* Ever thought an animated character was hot?: few times.
* Had a New Kids on the Block tape: nope
* Been on stage: yeah.. few times performing..
* Cut your hair: not been doing it for about a year

------------------FavORIT ES------------------
* Shampoo: CAPIRELAX..
* Soap: Shokubutsu
* Color: Black + Orange
* Day/Night: night
* Summer/Winter: summer
* Lace or satin: satin
* Fave cartoon Characters!: Tom & Jerry, Mickey Mouse
* Fave Food: Seafood (it's killing me)
* Fave Advert: Maxis.. always maxis..
* Fave Movie: braveheart
* Fave Ice Cream: walls
* Fave Subject: Laboratory hahaha
* Fave 'normal' Drink: teh o nipis suam kuwang hajo.. eh kuwang manis..
* Fave Persons to talk to online: Baby..

----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Wearing: dark blue shirt and white pants
* Hair is: byknya ketombe bodoh ni...
* I'm feeling: nothing. No work.. nothing to do..
* Eating : null
* Drinking: hingus sendiri..
* Thinkin bout: when should i see my stylist..
* Listening to: Abu ringing tone..
* Talkin 2: no one

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------

* Cried: nope
* Worn a skirt: nope
* Met someone New : nope
* Cleaned your room: yesterday
* Done laundry: nope
* Drove a car: coming to work

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: not really
* Your friends: most of them
* Santa Claus: haha
* Tooth Fairy: i wish
* Destiny/Fate: true
* Angels: true
* Ghosts: 1/2 believe
* UFO's: hehehe.. :p

-----------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
* Like anyone:: hillary duff
* Who's the loudest: farok
* Who's the shyest: firdaus
* Who's the weirdest: hehehe :p
* Who do you go to for advice: matte, wira, farok
* Who do you cry to?: mommy
* When you cried the most: hehe
* What?s the best feeling in the world: being appreciated
* Worst feeling: losing something u love most..
* Who will respond to this email the fastest?: no one.
* Who did you send this to who won?t reply: everyone
* Who sent this 2u: shayna
* Do you want all your friends to do this and send it back to you: no please..

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