December 28, 2007

Happy New Year

Sup yo!

Banyak betul msg offline yahoo messenger yang start with that kind of greeting. All of them were promoting their bogel website and so on.

Why me?

Sebelum terlupa, I'd like to wish Selamat Hari Raya AildilAdha. I was in JB ALONE on that day doing my job.

I'll not be in JB for the next 2-3 weeks due to something but I would still be able for any photography job.

Recently been doing some time-consuming photography job but I do enjoy doing it. I have updated my Photo Blog with a few entries.

Been busylah.. even a friend called me asking why am I no longer found online.

I need a living. Recently was not doing so well, resulting from the recent raining and flood. So i need to keep myself busy.

So see you guys later. Maybe tomorrow, or next year.

Happy New Year jugak.


December 7, 2007

Clarification of why this and that..


People had been asking me, why do I charge such amount for photography. So here is why.

I'm charging RM170 for each roll.

1. Transportation cost, estimated around RM15 per trip, if in JB.
2. 36 piece of high quality 4R prints + 1 A4 print (RM36 + RM15) = RM51.
3. High Quality Album = RM40
4. Photography hours = 3 hours x RM20 = RM60
5. Individual treatment of picture editing hours - Almost 15 minutes for each picture which is countless in cost..

and bla bla bla.. It's just the cost and the wages without any profit.

I believe it is more that RM170 but i'm still charging RM170 per roll.

And I'm free after weeks of busy days. Wah I can breathe a lil bit relaxed now.

So here I am. Sitting at home doing nothing.


December 5, 2007

Hello Hello.. R u there?

We're about to approach 2008.

I was busy doing nothing much. Spending a lot of time learning new things lately.

And I've been busy with photography projects too. My recent submitted project was to submit a picture of Gunung Panti and Kota Tinggi Waterfall to Jabatan Perhutanan of Johor Bahru District. (More about the project at My Photo Blog)

Well, what's more interesting thing that I'd like to share here is about the trip after surveying the area that I'm about to shoot. We went inside the forest to see some logging activities. Normally at the loggin site they will have this kind of license signage with some indication of the license information.

Then I found this. A cut of a log which you can normally found it being commercialized, which they plant some small trees inside that hole. Now I know where do they got all that.

I think this is such a nice thing. The small branches form a lot of leading lines and I must say it somekind of soothing to the eyes. To me la at least hehehehe.

Then, all of a sudden, we met with this. Guess what?

It's the biggest Tongkat Ali I've ever found. Imagine the 'magic' some people believe it will do to you. :p

We leave it there, and will take it back sometimes later.

In the middle of the forest, it's quite weird when you can see land being cleard up like this for oil palm plantation. Nice or not nice? It was not a good scene to look at but i think it looks quite nice in the picture.

Arrived at the logging site. Nowadays, the timber size are rather small. Last time, a timber diameter used to be as wide as 3-4 meter and imagine how big was that. And people last time, used iron cable to pull it up to the lorry, not like nowadays where as they use excavator.

On the way back, we took the tongkat ali and brought it home. It's going to be displayed at one of the exhibition later.

Nice eh? I wish i can go in again.

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