March 16, 2018

GA-Z77-DS3H with Intel Core i7-3770k 3.4 GHz Ivy Bridge Running High Sierra [Success]

This is an update I am supposed to publish like almost a month ago.

Yes, I managed to finally run an El Capitan on my machine. Successfully! But I took the challenge to get High Sierra. The usual installation method, Verbose mode, setting all those switches during the reboot didn't work at all. I read some articles telling to remove Signature & MATS section in the config.plists in the EFI partition. I did but to no success.

I had almost given up attempting when I purposely wanted the installation to fail when I let the USB installer run by itself; without turning on any boot switch and I didn't even want to see the Verbose messages.

Surprisingly, it gets to the loading bar, flickers, calibrates the screen and proceeded with the loading bar till it loads the installation screen?

That easy??? That's it. I just proceed to install High Sierra from that point and kept a backup in case things went wrong.


OS: Mac OS X High Sierra 10.13.3 64 bit
Processor: Intel Core i7-3770k 3.4 GHz Ivy Bridge
RAM: 8 GB Corsair RAM 1600 MHz x 4 = 32 GB
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA Z77-DS3H Rev 1.0 with latest bios f11a
Graphics Card: Gigabyte NVIDIA GeForce GT 640 2GB DDR3 RAM Rev2.0
Optical: ASUS DRW-24D3ST
Storage: Western Digital WDC WD30EZRX-00D8PB0 3 TB
Power Supply: Corsair RM Series 850W


  • Unibeast
  • High Sierra Installer
  • multibeast 5.4.3 (for audio only)
  • Latest clover installer for EFI boot loader

There's a part in the config.plist in the EFI/CLOVER folder which I removed



Graphics - works OOB. No configuration needed. I have it running with 2 monitors connected through DVI ports. I have 1 more port for HDMI and the other for VGA, unused. 

1. Installed ALC887/ALC888 Current driver from multibeast 5.4.3 
2. Run audio_cloverALC-130_v1.0s10.command and restart

Sleep - Works with keyboard delays. It will respond after 3-4 minutes. 

Boot - I copied the whole EFI content of my USB bootloader to the Hard Disk bootloader. Easy peasy.

I just needed those things to work. In fact I disabled the sleep function so I don't have to deal with the delays after waking up. 

Thank you @Apple! This is the easiest installation ever. 

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