December 11, 2006

Do u play guitar?

Classification :: Personal, Guitar, Musical Instrument


Last Saturday, I went out and go round all over Johor Bahru to look for something. I intended to have it as a release out medium. I went to all usic shop but it seems like there's nothing that can fit easily into my small room.

I was looking for an electric drum set, the one that you'll have to plug into the anplifier and play. I was hoping that i would be a good place for a release, as well as doing exercise that i can really enjoy.

I've asked one place, they price tag says that it's almost RM4k. Damn it.

Then I decided to look for this one kind of Fender guitar with only one pickup. I went to Landmark Mall and look for the guitar. The said guitar is no longer in stock but the guy offered me to try on another strat fender. Eventually, there's someone was testing another Fender guitar in the shop so I had one kewl jamming session in the shop.


Actually, I'm supposed to be having 4 electrical guitars, 1 classical and 3 acoustic guitars. Now I only have 2 electrical guitars, 1 classical and 1 acoustic left.

My first guitar was a classical guitar priced at RM220, bought when I was 16. It still remain till today. Then, I bought a cheap acoustic guitar, just RM80. I intended to give it to my brother as he wanted a guitar for himself but the guitar doesn't sounds really nice. Later, I bought myself another acoustic guitar, with the price of RM300. It's a Samick guitar but now the neck was broken. No hope at all, it was just laying down, unable to be used by anyone in my family's house in Seremban.

Out of those 3 guitars, only the classical guitar left. The cheaper acoustic was taken by my cousin and the pricey one was unable to be used.

My first electric guitar was a fender strat squire, which was a Korean Made. Bought it from a seIt sounds very nice which enable me to speed and shred a lot. I left it to a friend which later I found out that he sold off the guitar.. &##@$$**^...!

Then, I don't remember when, I participated in the 'Singing U2 song contest", sponsored by Maxis. Me, together with some friends managed to get the first place in the competition and the winner will get an electrical guitar. I was so happy to win the guitar and claimed it from Maxis. When I took it back home, I found out that it doesn't sound so nice. I decided to just give it to a friend. He's happy to have it so why not?

Then I bought myself an Epiphone Les Paul Standard, something like Gibson's Les Paul, or more or less like it. I still keep it till now. Then later my brother bought himself a half electric half acoustic guitar which is left with me.

So the last Saturday, I decided to buy the guitar! I was about to buy myself a new amplifier as well but I do think it's better if I just buy one at a time. Maybe next week. After that I went to HP to get myself a cheap delay. At night, I had my own hell of a jamming session with myself.

Yay! I sounded truly great! Like a pro really.....! I would sound much better if I buy myself that new Marshall Amp.

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