October 11, 2006

Mosque is not for firecrackers.....

Classification :: Complaint, Rage

As we know, Ramadhan is the month where most of the moslems will try to do extra goodness for themselves. Giving money for charity, having open breakfasting session for people, going to the mosque for prayers, especially the Tarawikh prayers and so on.

So it was like something that almost everyone was doing, I went to the mosque and do the tarawikh. I tried not to miss it, as my house wasn't so far from the mosque. If I'm not going, I have this kind of guilty feeling inside me.

Well, as usual, during the first few days, the mosque was almost full. There were not less than 20 lines (or we call it saf). As days goes by, the number of people reduced by almost not more than half.

During the Isya' prayer, the local Imam will lead the prayers while the Tarawikh Prayers will be lead by the Tahfiz Students, who were specially invited to lead the prayers. Normally (actually everytime) I will stop at the 8th rakaat of the prayers, continue with my Witr and go home.

Me and my family came early to avoid having to park so faraway from the mosque. I'm worried if it rains, or the safety of my female family members; you know these days, bad guys are just at every single corner of this world. As I went through a few evenings, I don't think coming early to the mosque is a nice idea. After sometimes, I'll feel sleepy before, during and after the Isya' prayer. Why?

Of course, I dumped a lot of things into my tummy during the breakfasting session. Sitting a while in that mosque (oh yeah, Uda Mosque is fully air-conditioned) with that cold air, closing your eyes is heaven. Furthermore, the local Imam read long verses from the Qur'an. He even do things really slow. I always fell asleep in the prayers. As Isya' time started at around 8.05PM nowadays, it was such a waste when the Isya' prayer only ended at around 8.40PM.

Then, I decided to walk to the mosque at around 8.30PM so that it would be just nice before the Tarawikh prayer started. So I would just spend around 30-40 minutes before getting back home.

Well, after i started coming late, the situation at the mosque were terrifying me. Children treated the mosque like their own playground. At the back entrance, there is somekind of wide floored area where kids were playing 'Galah Panjang' there. At the upperstairs, children were playing run and chase, hide and seek, shouting, and worse, the girls were playing together.

I haven't even mention about how noisy these kids will get when people are praying. More wonders, there were bastards playing the firecrackers at the mosque surroundings; During the prayers!

Where do they got the firecrackers anyway? Where do they got the money to buy them, as far as I knew, the firecracker's price were suprisingly high. Like last time, I did tell you how I took the lighter of a fat kid who were playing the firecrackers.

Well, back to root, where were the parents?

Today, as I was rushing out of the mosque as I had an appointment with a partner for a meetup, I saw this one kid were throwing a firecracker to his friend, INSIDE THE MOSQUE!

As I reached there, there's already one guy were scolding the kid. I was myself a lil bit boiled up, I approached the kid and gave him a slight backhand slap at his face by asking him, WHAT ARE YOU DOING..? (like the nokia advertisement at the cinemas)

I think, he was panic by my appearance. As he kept his mouth shut, I threaten to take him to the police by pulling his hands towards the place I put my slippers. The kid started to cry by saying 'TAK NAK, TAK NAK, TAK NAK!!! (no, no, no)

The seized item.(barang rampasan)

As I let him off, I asked him where are the rest of his firecrackers. He took it out and I took 'em all, took it home and I tend to keep it as an evidence if the parents come looking for me. I'm gonna tell them what happened, and if they refused to listen, I will make a police report and charging the kid as possessing illegal items. And again, the parents will KENA!

Yeah, we have to be cruel to be kind.

Back the question initially, where are the parents when their kids were out of control? There a re no use if they came to the mosque to pray, but in the end, their kids behaviour distracting the other people to do their prayers.

I'm gonna suggest to a friend (who is working at the mosque) to actually detain the kids playing around at the mosque until the prayers end. The parents will need to claim their kids by paying some amount of money to the mosque.

At least, the mosque can make money out of it. Yalah, to pay the electricity bill (it's fully air-conditioned okay) and what not. OK or NOT?

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