September 28, 2007

I'm in KL and terribly fooded.

Since Wednesday.

Izzat my brother has gone back to volgograd russia for his study. I can see he's a lil bit sad while leaving us at the airport. Yelah, it was a nice 2 months of staying together with the family and I got to gain weight because of him.

Because of him, my mom cook all the good food. So?

That's why i gained weight instead of losing.

After he went off, I went to the Cilis (betul ke eja nih) at the One Utama. At first, we weren't able to get a seat but a while later a few non-muslim leave the restaurant and we (there were me, my sister ina and her hubby and their son, afiyak) were seated.

And later we were comfortably sated too.

I ordered the juicy oldtimer burger, ina ordered steak and pye ordered fajitas. Damn. I was so beefed to the max. When I'm beefed, i feel like bodoh. Bodoh till i'm not able to say anything rather than just being quiet.

Beef at the cilis are so nice.

On thursday, I went to the Mid Valley with Mazuien and we had sushis. I still remembered last time when I went to the Sushi King, one of the staff there told me that sweet soy sauce was alcoholized.

Was it true? Because yesterday i mixed it well with the wasabi and enjoyed it with 13 plates of sushi. And that wasabi bites to my brain, gosh. Addictive!

Later that night, I had nasi lemak panas telur mata kerbau goyang! Hahaha.. and someone think that I'm jahat.

I'm gonna be free today as all my things had been settled yesterday. I was thinking of visiting some friends at work but what for? They're all working and we cannot even have tea so I don't know what to do actually.

Expecting to see some bloggers today. I was thinking of a place to go for berbuka puasa. Any suggestion? A friend asked me go to Terminal Seafood but I'm not really into buffet.

Later guys. Last Friday, I followed Romdzi and another friend to a movie so, I really cannot miss this one.

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