October 20, 2004

Life :: Think big considering long term effect

The blog site was terribly down yesterday. As I'd finished with my update yesterday, I'd accidentally submitted my post twice and this cause it to be appearing twice but when I tried to delete it, it fails.

Then thing has gone normal today. As I've been reading, doing my work and so many things, i was realizing that everyone of us was thinking big, no matter in what ever they do.

Like my boss, not to complaint or commenting on him, but i think this is just my thought towards him. He is just too ambitious, responsible and loves to keep himself busy all the time, as his age is now getting to 40 but his boredom was just everything of his life.

He's so worried of not getting a job done, and that's nothing yet. He was too, so worried if we have nothing to do. we loaded with bundle of jobs, as he was too confident that all of us can do that. It was true that all the task given are specific, and purposely, just for our group but if the thing has gone too much and we can't even handle it, how could u resist the surrounding pressure to add on more manpower or eliminate the tasks which are just too much.

I'm not saying that my boss is no good, in fact, he is the best boss I've ever had in my life. No such boss would care and cover the ass of his sub ordinates just like my boss did. I'm saying that he had covered me a lot when I did silly mistakes with things in the production server, several times.

And only for now, he is realizing that the workload are just too much, we are lacking of people and some of us, including are just not capable of delivering things, not only on time but we're also bound to a set of spootid standards made by the people without anything to do in the company! Not only that GSMS, we are also complying to CMMI and ISO 9002 spootid standards.

I'm trying to say I'm sick of all this.


Referring to another event, related to the issue, I'd remembered a couple which seems to be quite a close friends of mine, are getting married. Working the marriage out for the past 3 years, planning, saving, slowly building up their financial status and almost everything, just for the wedding. The couple which the male is an indian and the female is a chinese had this one conflict which always put this 2 couple into big quarrel especially when the big day is coming.

The groom, is thinking not to go to the wedding planner as it will incur a lot more cost rather than doing the wedding small and just nice, which is just nice to remember. He wants to throw all the money for the best honeymoon they'll ever had, something to memorize.

Well, the bride wants the wedding event to be big. She wants wedding planner, to be done in a glamorous place like in a hotel so that all her chinese relative will no longer look down upon her family. Talking about this matter only has brought them towards an endless fight, and this has been dragging for quite sometimes since last march, and their wedding was last August.

I remembered, during that wedding, something had gone wrong.. well that something something.. err... to cut it short, as something had happened, a big quarrel had happened between both families, a physical fight was nearly to happen. I was so scared so see such a situation where you know, the girl which come from a family that has somekind of 'black kongsi' roots while the indian guy was just a normal guy, which happened to be, the chinese relative dominating the quarrel, and the groom were just kept quiet.

Even the special guest was involved in the fight, then it came to this one stage where they started to be racially attacking each other and it means that I should go but as the groom see I'm leaving, he followed me quickly and asked me to drive fast. And it also involves money which has come a lot from the bride's side.

He was crying in the car, i was speechless. Anyway, initially, i had to be agree with the groom. The wedding should be just nice, not to be too grand, which has caused problem to all other people. For me, it's not wedding that should be taken cared of, but it's the RELATIONSHIP! He has been so nice to be tolerating the girl to be having such a big wedding, for the sake of being tolerable to the one he loves so much!

I like his ideas. He thinks big for the marriage. He planned for a wonderful honeymoon. He's planning to buy a nice house at the sub urban area, as he prepared the money for the down payment. He was planning to get insurance. He insisted his gf to open a sharing account for the sake of their kids but...

The bride refused as she was thinking of having such a memorable event so that everyone else can always remember her big day. And of course, he had to tolerate his money for that nearly RM100k event, in such a big Japanese hotel!

And now all gone. They are unhappily married. The money spent was all for nothing, which is true, it's memorable, not for the sweetness but for all teh fights & quarrel happened, and now, he is always being cursed for not having savings to buy a house (geez, what the hell else does she wants?)

Think Big :: I think everyone does think big, but in a different way and manner of viewing it. Like just now, my other boss, an indian guy, who happened to be not so particularly on documentation, who were just targeted a project to be delivered successfully, well after a few session of GSMS, he is now aimed to be getting 100% complaince (whadda heck?) . He always think big but this big is just incredibly ridiculous.

Well, don't u think that we should highly respect those people with big thinking because; they have dreams, and they are positive! I people with dreams and positive thinking! They are successfull people, given u're doing it right!

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